Apologies again for the lack of writing. Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans, to quote John Lennon. We went and visited Strawberry Fields in NYC when we were there recently. It's a good idea to keep people away from the Dakota, methinks. We also visited our pals at Looney Tunes, along with a few DC stores. Nice to see John, Carl Jr, Ryan and the gang.
For those living in caves, International Record Store Day was on Saturday 16 April. For our household, it's like Christmas for Mr. He spends weeks poring over the lists of releases, and then can barely sleep the night before the early morning, when he springs out of bed. So cute how he gets all excited. This year, it was Action Records up in Preston. He was there at 6:11am, and was 32nd on the queue. He got most of his wants, including the all-important David Bowie ones.
Which was another sad thing that occurred since I last blogged. I actually see the man's face every morning when I emerge from the bedroom (he's on the wall in our hallway) and I still can't kind of get my head around the fact that he's no longer alive. It was quite a frenzy back in January, with us taking condolences from friends and family alike. I had to remind a few people that no, we didn't actually know him, and he's not related to us. It was sad and we'll miss him, but I have no doubt that his re-releasing of box sets will go on forever. We went to a V&A showing of a film on the Bowie exhibition the week after his death, and it was kind of like being at a memorial service. Fitting, in a way.
One of the channels also treated the British public to a showing of Labyrinth shortly after his demise. Holy hat, that, along with just about every other movie the man starred in, was evidence that Bowie's talent lay in music.