Sorry for the delay in posting. Christmas and then we just didn't see much in January. I mean, I got to the panto at Greenwich Theatre but not much else. Saw Florence and the Machine at the O2. Love the woman, but the venue's too big for her.
So, Mr won tickets to Rebekah Delgado's gig at the Water Rats by Kings Cross. Good little venue, decent beers too. Rebekah had a couple of fellow artists on the bill: She Makes War, a bubbly blonde who had a good voice. She also played the ukelele, which always wins points in my book. Another plus was the loudhailer she walked around the audience with. Daniel Land started the evening. He had a good voice but we only caught his last number and he seemed to keep his eyes shut. Plus, he left the Modern Painters at home. Maybe he fell out with them.
At any rate, there seemed to be a bit of an electrical problem with SMW's set so Rebekah allowed her to do a few more songs, which were all pretty entertaining. As a result, I think Rebekah's set ran a bit short. She's got some new musicians but the musical saw woman is still on board. The venue was not big and there were a lot of music geeks there. Ms Delgado came over to us and said hi, and when she asked how I liked the gig, I said, it was good! A bit short.
I mean, really. A bit short? It was FREE. She looked somewhat stricken but recovered. She did play her Spanish song, and Embrace Moi and We all need Someone, so I shouldn't have really complained. An enjoyable evening as usual.